Donations Of Any Kind Gladly Accepted
God has richly blessed us in strange but wonderful ways since the publishing of the our Fall Newletter October first! Everything had a expiration date of at least a year and some things did not expire for two years! Cases upon cases of cranberry sauce, cranberry juice and grape juice were donated to Crafts 4 Hope Foundation and distrubuted to various nonprofits and individual families in preparation for Thanksgiving meals. A local drugstore got rid of inventory and Crafts 4 Hope Foundation was able to distribute 9 prenancy tests, 32 bottles of baby blue nail polish, 16 fleets enemas, 12 bottles of isoprpyl alcohol, 12 bottles of hydration lotion and one 12 pack of adult diapers.The most touching story was the giving away of the fleets enema because it was given privately to someone being treated for stage 4 cancer of the lungs and because of various medications they take, they were experiencing constipation. So, you see beautiful souls? One just never knows what donation wil...
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